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Online Mosaic and Craft Resources
Mosaic Matters
The online magazine for all things mosaic. Visit them at has become one of the largest sources of information in the UK for handmade goods, crafts materials, groups and courses. The Directory currently features 47 crafts (e.g. Scrapbooking) represented in 5 categories (e.g Suppliers). There are over 2000 UK craft websites listed with new sites being listed daily. Visit them at
Directory Listings
Visit the Azurra Mosaics BT Tradespace.
We are listed in the UK Business to Business directory
We are listed in the ADirect2Z directory - a searchable directory of websites organised into a wide range of categories. Visit the directory here.
We are listed in The DoWeb Directory. Visit it here.

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Copyright © Azurra Mosaics 2005-2016.
Azurra Mosaics, 87 Vane Close, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0US
VAT registration number GB872 3418 19. Data Protection registration Z9812152